Collaboration: Over the week/weekend , Alissa conducted an interview yesterday with the woman she babysits for who lives a mostly organic lifestyle. I have not reviewed the interview but tomorrow in class I hope to see what information we have. Katie conducted an interview with her sister, who does not live an organic lifestyle, and eats mostly junk food or food that is obtained quickly. 
           Overall, our goal for the interviews is to compare these two interviews and prove that organic eating is more beneficial for the health of people, as opposed to inorganic, and how you can make the switch by discussing costs, recipes, and life style changes. Katie and Alissa will both come up with introductions for our interviews since they  have conducted them first hand. Me and Dave are going to provide each interview with an afterward once we watch both of the interviews. All and all, this is a collaborative assignment but we are taking the hierachal approach where each member in the group is still working collaboratively because all four of us worked together to find what our research question is, and we all came up with interview questions together. Together, we are all working separately on this project because we are each doing different pieces, but in the end it will all come together as one project because we are pooling together all our ideas.

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