So far our project is coming together. We have two interviews comparing organic vs inorganic that were conducted by Alissa and Kate and added to our oral history report. David wrote the introduction while I completed the afterward. We also completed our 5 questions that we have created to answer in our Collaborative research project:1. What are the benefits of eating organic and locally grown products?
2. How does eating organic and locally grown foods affect your body as compared to products that are sold in the supermarket?
3. Is buying healthy foods financially beneficial?
4. Why are people choosing the foods that they buy? For taste? For price?
5. Are consumers aware of the food industry?
        We defined  What does Organic mean, What does non-organic mean, and What are the effects on children. We also researched types of food with pesticides and compared them. price, health benefits and tastes. We also conducted a food test which Dave completed.For my research I found two books that are helpful : Easy Green Organic by Anna Getty. and In Defense of Food (An eaters manifesto) by Michael Pollan.I found more facts that both books describe and we are adding recipes that people can do at home.

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